Estate Chapters
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Riyasat of Jind - Jind (Haryana)
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Pronunciation: जींद (Hariyanvi), जींद (Hindi), Jind (English)

Motive: To depict empirical saga of cultural-democratic-historical-artistic laurel and heritage of Haryanvi villages/estates.

Jai Dada Nagar Kheda Bada Bir

Author and Photos: ...........

First Edition: ...........

Publisher: NHReL

  • NH Advisory Board

Topic Last Updated: 03/09/2025 02:52:34
NH Banners & Messages
“Say no to Dowry”
Eliminate this sex inequality!
Human purchases vegetables, cattle even all routine courses in hand to hand give and take deal then why this blunder mistake in marriages that only girl’s side will pay and that too in double costs in terms of daughter and dowry both? Lets stop this male dominance and female discrimination. - NH
“Adore the girl child”
Say no to female foeticide!
If you can’t bear the birth of a girl child in your family, you should not expect a bride for your son. Invaders are gone, lets bring  back our divine period of Vedic times for our females. - NH
“Lead the Change”
Keeping the system of discussion alive!
Moving with time and adapting the change is the only key to sustain civilizations. - NH
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