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!!!......Own opinion, other's opinions, minding the opinion gap, bridging the opinion gaps amicably and soberly is what all a true Haryanvi chaupal defines and is called as........!!!
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Canvas your dreams with Nidana Heights

Do you – or a voluntary or community group you belong to or support – have something to say but no platform on which to say it? Do you want to help bring your community together and give local people a voice? You may have better ideas or ones which suit your community better. If so we’d like to hear about them.

Thus we invite you to:

Frame your infrastructural/social welfare dreams and/or projects with us: Starting from planning to forecast, from strategy implementation to operational execution, we would like to work with you in shaping up your thoughts and ideas of any topmost public interest, issue or problem. NH is here to ensure you a proper framework and its implementation guidance throughout project phases by offering and putting best of our resources with you.

Please write us at email on our Contact Us page (a proper contact us form is under construction and will be updated on site soon).

Projects undertaken by NH:

Below is the list of projects undertaken and achieved by Nidana Heights as a full owner or under mutual agreements:

Project Name
Project Theme
Project Status
Title: Nidana Heights Webportal
Vision: Nourishing the valued soil culture by eliminating the hazes from Haryanav.
Start Date: 23rd January 2012 (on the ocassion of Neta Ji’s birthday)
Key Persons:
NH Advisory Board
Mission: E-documentation of almost everything on one of the types of Haryanav, taking Nidana village as a reference.
First Draft: 7th March 2012 (on the occasion of Holi-Phaag)
Objective: Local thing for local man in local languages
First Official Release: on 19th April 2012 (initially was targetted for 14th April 2012 - Mekh-Baisakhi)
NH Ownership: 100%
Current Status: Active and online on Internet
Title: Haryana Heights Webportal
Theme: Yet to define
Status: Domain Name registered on 17th May 2012
Title: हमारा बाणा, पर्दामुक्त हरियाणा
Theme: Veil System in Haryana
First Event: Held at Mahalakshmi Senior Secondary School, Bad Peepli Village Kurukshetra on progress since 30th April 2014
Key Persons: Dr. Santosh Dahiya, President - Akhil Bhartiya Mahila Shakti Manch and Mr. Phool Kumar, Founder Nidana Heights
Objective: To make the Haryana State of India veil free.
First Event Organizers: Sh. Bhanwar Singh Tomar and Sh. Ramesh Saini
Web Link: http://www.nidanaheights.net/EH-hn-parda-mukt-haryana.html
Status: Mission on progress since 30th April 2014

Jai Dada Nagar Kheda Bada Bir

Author: P. K. Malik

Last Revision: 11/03/2014

First Edition: 10/05/2012

Publisher: NHReL

  • NH Advisory Board

Topic Box
Total studies, articles and items published or made under this (e-Choupal) section in three languages i.e. English, Hindi and Haryanvi are as follows:


हिंदी में लेख:
    1. वंचित किसान
    2. बेबस दुल्हन
    3. हरियाणा दिशा और दशा
    4. आर्य समाज के बाद
    5. विकृत आधुनिकता
    6. बदनाम होता हरियाणा
    7. पशोपेश किसान
    8. 15 अगस्त पर
    9. जेंडर-इक्वलिटी
    10. बोलना ले सीख से आगे
    खाप स्मृति:
    1. खाप इतिहास
    2. हरयाणे के योद्धेय
    3. सर्वजातीय तंत्र खाप
    4. खाप सोशल इन्जिनीरिंग
    5. धारा 302 किसके खिलाफ?
    6. खापों की न्यायिक विरासत
    7. खाप बनाम मीडिया
    हरियाणा योद्धेय:
    1. हरयाणे के योद्धेय
    2. दादावीर गोकुला जी महाराज
    3. दादावीर भूरा जी - निंघाईया जी महाराज
    4. दादावीर शाहमल जी महाराज
    5. दादीराणी भागीरथी देवी
    6. दादीराणी शमाकौर जी
    7. दादीराणी रामप्यारी देवी
    8. दादीराणी बृजबाला भंवरकौर जी
    9. दादावीर जोगराज जी महाराज
    10. दादावीर जाटवान जी महाराज
    11. आनेवाले
    1. तालिबानी कौन?
    2. सुनिये चिदंबरम साहब
    3. प्रथम विश्वयुद्ध व् जाट

हरियाणवी में लेख:
  1. त्यजणा-संजोणा
  2. बलात्कार अर ख्यन्डदा समाज
  3. हरियाणवी चुटकुले

Articles in English:
    General Discussions:
    1. Farmer's Balancesheet
    2. Original Haryana
    3. Property Distribution
    4. Woman as Commodity
    5. Farmer & Civil Honor
    6. Gender Ratio
    7. Muzaffarnagar Riots
    1. Shakti Vahini vs. Khap
    2. Listen Akhtar Saheb

NH Case Studies:
  1. Farmer's Balancesheet
  2. Right to price of crope
  3. Property Distribution
  4. Gotra System
  5. Ethics Bridging
  6. Types of Social Panchayats
  7. खाप-खेत-कीट किसान पाठशाला
  8. Shakti Vahini vs. Khaps
  9. Marriage Anthropology
  10. Farmer & Civil Honor
NH Banners & Messages
“Say no to Dowry”
Eliminate this sex inequality!
Human purchases vegetables, cattle even all routine courses in hand to hand give and take deal then why this blunder mistake in marriages that only girl’s side will pay and that too in double costs in terms of daughter and dowry both? Lets stop this male dominance and female discrimination. - NH
“Adore the girl child”
Say no to female foeticide!
If you can’t bear the birth of a girl child in your family, you should not expect a bride for your son. Invaders are gone, lets bring  back our divine period of Vedic times for our females. - NH
“Lead the Change”
Keeping the system of discussion alive!
Moving with time and adapting the change is the only key to sustain civilizations. - NH
© Nidana Heights 2012-19