Note: I am using Jat word instead of Hindu because not even a single channel or a newspaper has depicted the incident as Hindus versus Muslims but deliberately or ignorantally as Jats versus Muslims as if it were threatened or afraid of getting their offices or members of families attacked.
Saga begins: It all began when Badshah Bahadur Shaah Zafar himself wrote a letter to
All India SarvKhap’ HQ - Shohrem just before the 1857 mutiny could began, calling them to take lead of the war of independence against the British as no other community than the Jats alone were 'thought of capable, brave and efficient' for standing against the British as the Emperor expressed in that letter.
Later by citing the letter of Bahadurshah Zafar in vaiours official records and gazetteers the Brithsh officers had observed that it were the Jats who were most fearsome and hardy to tackle during entire period of uprising of 1857. The territory of Jats nowadays become well known
“Khapland” or the Jat belt (a sort of brand name invented by the media for spreading mis-information). And because of this severe front taken by Khap armies of Khapland Britishers fragmented the then original Haryana into four parts as "present political Haryana was merged into Punjab, western U.P. into the then Awadh
(today' U.P.), Southern Haryana merged into the then Rajputana
(present day Northern Rajsthan) and kept Delhi as the HQ of their operations in North India" to keep the united forces of Khapland bifurcated.
It was perhaps preordained by the almighty that for bringing about a long-lasting communal harmony in this region known as Jat belt
“Rahber-e-Hind Chaudhary Sir Chhoturam Ji Ohlyan” was born. After working with congress in initial days, due to ideological differences sir established
“Unionist Party” with
Fazal-ur-Rehman as his closest aide with principles of communal peace and harmony. The credit of communal harmony in the Punjab goes only to him as he rose as an undisputed leader of the entire agricultural and toiling class.
As ill fate struck, Chaudhary Chhotu Ram breathed his last in January 1945, just 2 years before when from the ramparts of the Red Fort at Delhi the bugles sounded the dawn of Indian Independence. It is said that the words “If there will be two India then these will be on my carcass”, which Gandhi had hijacked (due to Sir's untimely demise) were actually of Sir Chhotu Ram Ji.
Out of passion for Chaudhary Sahib, it was felt that had he lived for another 4-5 years more |
(the years crucial for the territorial unity of India to save from partition), the partition of India could have been averted or for that matter, at least of the Punjab. Both Mohammed Ali Zinah and Jawarharlal Nehru were fully aware of this capability and potential of Sir Chhotu Ram of affecting the plans of partition. In fact it was slyly suggested by Lord Mountbatten.
Because Chaudhry Chhotu Ram didn’t play evil politics and had envisaged the misery of the people in the wake of the partition of india, the people of this vast province could have unanimously supported him that could have retained the peaceful milieu. But the atmosphere was already being charged with a cry of partition and Jinnah was becoming obstinate for pursuing his political plans. He only feared Chaudhry Chhotu Ram.
Foreseeing the disastrous impact of the partition, the
“Jats of western U.P. had held a Khaap Mahapanchayat in Kandhla” and decided to protect their muslim brethrens. Such was the feeling of the entire Jat dominated region east of the Jamuna that no untoward incident could occur. It was partly because in that year the river inundated large areas of the agricultural fields and all the major roads had submerged under the flood waters. The Jats had given full protection to the life and property of the Muslims living in the area of their dominance.
Later on late Prime Minister of nation Chaudhary Charan Singh prevailed the legacy of communal peace and harmony laid by his ancestors and it hailed until 27th August 2013.
And then came the messiah Baba Chaudhary Mahendra Singh Tikait Ji, who unfurled the flag of this unity until thou demise in 2011 which he took in hands first time in 1987 when he healed the wounds of Meerut riots.
The maintenance of peace in the Jat dominated areas of western UP was not per chance because the old fabric of communal harmony was strong enough lest it be broken by pulling it apart. It could not have been shaken by the petty politics influenced by religious sentiments. Certain points need be taken into account to understand as to why maintaining the communal harmony was a necessity in the Jat dominated areas of western UP, northern Rajasthan and the erstwhile Haryana and Punjab. Let us consider the following:
- One on the front of ‘devaluing’ of Khaps and the Jats in particular by the national media, particularly the English press, since the year 2010 all types of nonsensical news reports, feature articles and debates were held in both the print as well as the electronic media. It was a singular tirade against the community in which the participation of the Jat thinkers and scholars was deliberately avoided. There was no balance in the opinions being expressed in the media, which forced the central political, administrative and judicial machinery to become prejudiced against the Jats and suggestive of strict legislative schemes, which could hit their social structure in future. It was a tragic experience for the entire Jat community, which was awestruck at the role of the media in projecting them as ‘talibans’ and bad taste, which had no rationale. The national opinion was also turning against this brave and toiling community, which had defended the western national fronts for several centuries. Now, in the light of the tragic incident of murder of two Jat youngsters followed by large scale arson and violence in the district of Muzaffarnagar in western U.P. the statements of certain political persons can be termed as irresponsible and entirely communal. Obviously, the media’s provided further fuel to the fire already ignited by communal elements by interviewing irresponsible leaders by selective telecast of out-of-context portions from speeches and utterances. It seemed that the TV anchors, most of them young ones which had no sense of history and relationship of the two communities in India blowed up the gory incident as 24X7 program. It is viewed as unethical on which the Press Council should have taken cognizance and corrective measure. It can be presumed that our regulatory agencies have just become dead wood and inactive at times when their intervention wais most needed. The big reason behind the illogical and harmful attitudes of the TV anchors could be their non-residency in Khapland and ingnorance about the history of communal harmony.
Author started sensing it as the basement of a big tragedy which is now in front of us in terms of what all happened in Muzaffarnagar; ultimately because of the environment created by all ill and irresponsible uttering by them . All such big culprit nature anchors of big media should be held responsible for over hammering the social fabric. The big reason behind these anchors such views is their being non-resident of this land rather almost all of them are migrated from sister states and hardly any of them is aware of social fabric of this reason in real and true sense.
- Second front the daily soap/opera industry that kept showing useless and purposeless serials like “Jodha-Akbar” despite the continuous protests, manifestos and objections raised by emotionally affected societies throughout north-India. After all until when these craps (directors like Ekta Kapoor) should be spared from holding responsible for creating such disturbing atmosphere in society?
- Series of one sided support from current U.P. government: Perhaps above two points were waiting for passing the baton and here it was taken by current U.P. administration and government both. And I don’t need to explain on how the consequences followed one upon the other.
Now coming to the sequence of events that triggered communal riots:
Who can deny that feelings of superiority and inferiority continuously hampered and inhaled by all non-sensual and rubbish content explained in two points above since 2010 would have not been the basement of this human calamity?
And then the mishandling of all the events by U.P. administration and government put all the unexpected on flame. Let's see how the things happened: |
27th August 2013:
One Muslim boy indulged in repeated eve-teasing of a young Jat girl from neighboring village on which girl has objections and told to her brothers. Her brothers rushed to protect the honor of their sister and following arguments severely thrashed the Muslim boy. Later, the Muslim boy met a traumatic end.
Upon this the family of the dead guy raised a cry that the existence of Muslims is under threat as the Jat boys had killed a young boy for no valid reason. The entire Muslim community of neighborhood was enraged and decided to avenge the death of their fellow young man. They surrounded the two brothers and killed lynched them in very inhuman and merciless way as per information from reliable sources.
Analysis of situation here: five points which became the cause of big objection:
They were killed very brutally in all possible inhuman way seemingly to give the horrific message to party 1 community.
- Police made arrests on 10-12 members from Jat side for no reason because none-other than the two Jat brothers (who were killed by Muslim mob on spot) were on the site from Jat side. And the Jats whose beaten up resulted in death of the Muslim guy were lynched on the spot. So instead of nabbing the killers of two Jats boys now, police made arrests from Jat side. (Though that is a different matter if Jat brothers would have reported to police could be one way, but thinking if the things could be settled by talking they took the matter to home of Muslim guy but how the Muslim guy would had responded, all resulted further emotional hijack of prestige and respect and Muslim guy got dead).
But the police action happened in reverse order; and it all boiled the Jat community. This action seemed unjustifiable to them and appeared as “Ek to chori upse seena jori”. Because when no one else other than those two brothers was on the spot of incident from Jats then why arresting of 10-12 Jats guys took place.
- The role of the media that covered the incident was also questionable and in their traditional tone as it regularly commented upon the character of the Jats and their rustic manners.
- There were all sort of illogical and political statements following the police intervention, which was too late to exercise correctives or preventing the riots. The transfer of the D.M. was made immediately. He took the right actions and almost controlled the situation but before could completely control was handed over the transfer letter.
- Panchayat held by Muslims in which inflamatory speeches were made by their leaders across political parties in presence of new D.M. of city on 31st of August after Roja at Khalapar, further triggered the tension in Jat community. This meeting happened despite already imposition of section 144 in region.
And it all fired the chaos: Jats started gathering and holding small to medium level meetings and finally
"Chhote Dada of Gathwala Khaap" called for a Khaap Mahapanchayat on 7th of September. Around 1.5 lakhs of public marched to the rally spot and Mahapanchayat passed a three points resolution as:
- Transfer or suspend the Shamil S.S.P.
- Free the falsely arrested 10-12 fellows of their community.
- A peaceful agitation will continue until the murders of their two brothers would not be arrested.
And the Mahapanchayat started dispersing to their homes peacefully as per the instructions and wishes of "Khaap Dada Baba Harkishan Ji".
But here began the real riots. The returning unaware Jats were suddenly attacked by Muslims in a pre-planned guerrilla manner at the banks of Gang-Nahar and some other pre-planned locations. And it all ignited the flame which registered another infamous chapter of riots in Indian history.
Spitting on Khap Mahapanchayat, how justifiable it is?:
Almost all print as well electronic media and many self-styled intellectuals and democrats are spitting for the whole matter on
“Mahapanchayat” of 7th September only. Would they bother to respond to analysis below:
Analysis: Role of Khap Panchayat was totally to get the things settled in the fabric of communal harmony and peace the two communities were living since 1857 and nothing else. Here are the arguments in support of my analysis:
Khaps have a long history of having been time to time organized only for the purposes of settling harmony and peace among communities instead as they are propagated by media and pre-judice analysts. So how justifiable it is to blame on Khap meeting?
- Now one would come with a stupid question claiming that then why the mob in panchayat was lashed with lathi-danda etc? Becaus the Jats weild stick for self-defense and not for willfully harming others. And sudden guerrilla attack on returning people by Muslims proved Jats fear right. Would anyone would like to claim that Jats used their accessories first?
- Now some stubborn would come saying that it warmed up the atmosphere, oh really? If so then where the hell have you and your assumption were when “Jodha-Akbar” and all such craps against societies of Hindus through T.V. serials and various T.V. debates were aired on T.V.s? Where the hell were your assumptions when a century (100) about communal indifferences were lamenting one over the other since the lately government sworn in U.P.?
- Someone says that despite imposition of 144 the mob gathered there. Well it happened on 31st August also by opposite community too, where were you at that time? And if the Mahapanchayat held even after the imposition of 144 then it held in cognizance of local administration. Rather we should thank to administration for this. In administration's own word, "they realized the anger of public and allowed the meeting to happen otherwise situation would have even worse". Somewhere in administration themselves knew that this anger is all because of the one sided attitude of local government.
- Some are claiming that it was a political satire thrown by some political party or parties; no it was not. It was clearly a Khap meeting organized and called by Khap leaders and not by any political party. No political party in India has the caliber to gather such a huge crowd, no single party. So automatically all are false assumptions. It was the anger of public against the government and they called their social (non-political) leaders to come and hear them and that is the definition of a Khap if by chance any media or all above said lobby would bother to learn that what really a Khap is defined as.
- Can anyone assume that a messiah like “Baba Harkishan Malik Ji” can be the part of any communal gathering ending with resolution of revenge and attacks? Agree that public was in anger but see what the “Khap Dada” preached there. He preached only for peace and harmony. He called the gathering not to dismantle the historical fabric of brotherhood.
- Did the gathering after finishing of the maha-panchayat entered or attacked violently probably with shouting inflammatory slogans in any village or city? No they were dispersing to their homes peacefully. Moreover, if Mahapanchayat would have resoluted to attack Muslims then why the hell they would have dispersed rather they would have attacked from very end of panchayat, but no and instead they were attacked on Gang-Nahar near Joli.
So I can affirmly say that this panchayat was organized totally to listen to the anger of public, because listening to is a kind of healing
(which in real was the job of government). Khaps know very well the urgency of listening and this is what they organized for. They listened to their public, issued three points memorandum, submitted to administration present there, decided for peaceful agitation as their next action course and dispersed.